I want to make you think. Act, go beyond, do it better.
I believe we have a problem: we have been too quick … we rush and make choices driven by short term decisions.
Across everything we consume, what we eat, what we drink, what we wear, how we renovate, where we go on holiday …all of it, we tend to be focused on cost, what something looks like and what impresses others. And this isn’t right.
We haven’t asked about what’s behind the image, what’s the long term cost or value to us and our surroundings; what it means for us, our health, and our environment, the communities near and far.
From how you heat your home to the fittings and furnishings that go in, the products we use to clean it with..to how we paint it, anything and everything we buy for our homes, offices… How often do we ask: what is in that product? How was it made? Is it healthy for me and my family? What will happen to it after I have used it? These are fundamental questions, that if not asked and answered, have detrimental effects not only on our personal health but, also close and further afield environment and communities. And whilst we think we are saving or even being clever and making money in those short-term (and often cheaper) view decisions, it actually isn’t economical. False economy: buy cheap buy twice.
Dare I say it, part of me doesn’t like the interior design world - I find it can be very superficial, style over substance, and seen as a luxury. That’s not what I am about. We need to go beyond what something looks like. As a designer, who advises what should be bought, and how it should be done, we have a big and fundamental role to play and we must step up and design more responsibly.
I’ve done it for my own renovation, and still doing it, and in my day to day living too. As I learn more, I do more. I am being honest: choosing with integrity and my decisions are based on sustainable long term responsible considerations.
I want to ask these questions with you, do more and do it even better. I don’t do trends, each project has to be right for each client and we are all different. But what we can all do is do it in a more considered way. I have achieved great designs over the years, and I discuss and encourage clients, make them think about the how, what, where. But being honest I haven’t done enough and can do more. So I need to make a choice: I either carry on designing great homes that my client’s love or I go further, and step it up: create great designs for homes and other spaces that are doing great. They answer the questions that need answering, where all design choices consider their impact and enhance wellbeing across the board. I choose this path.
I’ve got the track record of great designs. From Yorkshire to Dorset and in between. 12 years, 50+ projects, big and small. I have created a network of trades, makers, materials, fittings. Whether it’s the operational execution of it, or the design, I enable people to achieve their vision, but in a way that is thoughtful and considerate to these longer term requirements of modern living which is being good to the environment, yourself, your family and others.
Considered design. This is what I stand for. I won’t compromise on environmental ethics or poor design. Style will not come at the cost of substance. And if you think, this is all well and good but costs too much, and think you can’t do it. Then I ask you to be bold. Get in touch. Get access to my expertise. A designer like me helping you is not a luxury, it’s a sound investment to get it right. To make sure you spend effectively and efficiently, delivering long term benefits. Together, let’s make a different design decision so you don’t compromise on health, the environment and the quality of your design.
Working with me, it’s my pledge that the right decisions are made. You’ve invested in what really matters: health, happiness and what surrounds us all.
Like Slow Food, let’s hero Slow Design. Great design that cares and is considered.